Vertipaq Engine – Columnar Database


 In our previous post, we are discussing about Vertipaq Data compression one of the best feature of Vertipaq engine by Microsoft. In this post we are trying to discuss about Vertipaq Columnar Database. The ultimate feature of Vertipaq engine is to speed up the query performance.

Hope it will be interesting.


What the Special in Vertipaq Engine

Vertipaq is an in-memory columnar database. Being in-memory means that all of the data handled by a model reside in RAM.


How Database works with a Table

To understand the columnar database we have to understand, how data is retrieved from a table in our traditional database like MS SQL Server.

Let’s take an example of a table.

Table Name: tbl_OrderDetails

The data in a Database table stores in 8 KB page named data page. The 8 data page combined together to from an Extinct.

When we search for a specified product to understand how many Quantity has been sold the entire data page with all the columns comes into memory and search the desired Product one by one. So the load of the memory (RAM) is huge for long table. Please remind that we need only columns named ProductName and Qty only.  Rest of the columns is not needed to get the answer of how many quantity is sold for a specified product. It is just unnecessary down load into the memory and holding the space and hence for long table the performance is slow.

How the Vertipaq Engine works

The In memory storage of Vertipaq is different than the traditional DB storage. It stores the data in to columnar fission.

To complete the above query it takes only two columns named ProductName and Qty. It search the desired product from ProductName columns and sum the value of Quantity columns.


 Hope you like that.
